Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Some days you get up and just feel good. Today is such a day. Nothing has changed. I have all the same problems I had yesterday, and will probably still have them all tomorrow. That isn't the point. How you feel does not need to depend on the daily pressures. Generally few of them are under our control. Learning to control the pressure from those forces is key. Individuals cannot change many things around them. They can try to influence change over time, but until the change occurs the pressure will be there. We lived in Italy for a while and during that time we became disconnected from the world in that we did not get to hear the news everyday and did not read the news everyday since it was only available in Italian. Our conversational Italian was not good enough to keep abreast of world affairs from the small city we were living. After a few months we became very relaxed and almost carefree. A key reason was that we did not have the pressure of knowledge. Knowledge of wars, of killings, of crime n general. We did not hear about the spats between counties, or the latest ridiculous statement by some brain dead politician. All we dealt with was our daily work, the ocean, the countryside and good people, working hard to stay alive. Life can be very pleasant everyday, just chose to make it so.

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