Monday, July 04, 2005

It did not take long, the damage will be for ever

In today's New Your Times there is a report about draft legislation that will gut the Endangered Species Act to mere scraps, rendering it ineffective in protecting the earth from man's onslaught ( at least here in the US). The Bush Brigade believes they finally have enough support to kill this law that has protected our fragile lands and species so effectively. Protected it from greed and plunder by big business. Protected it from plain stupidity by our so called leaders. Protected it from short sighted needs when the long term goals are what is important.

The new approach will focus on the short term, explicitly stating that the long term approach of the current law is not needed. This is exactly what the current law is about, protecting the lands and species from people who think short term. The earth and all that lives on it have grown to their current state over millions of years. There is nothing short term in nature, nothing that you can change and fix overnight. You do not tell a species to take an aspirin and come back in the morning if it does not feel better. Species are being wiped out around the earth on a daily basis due to short term thinking. We cannot allow more short term thinking to further rip our precious land to shreds.

Today we celebrate our freedom. Remember that includes your right to stand up for what you care about and believe in. It is now needed more than ever. Stand up and tell the politicians to protect our earth but to do it with the long term future in mind, not short term profits. Tell them hands off our species, our lands our future.

See article:

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