Tuesday, July 06, 2004

We really do need a change..............

I had dinner with some folks in Minneapolis one night last week. It was rather refreshing to talk to people who have not all been dragged into the broken world of the reigning White House. People who do not believe all the nonsense, and some that have been shown to be outright lies. Who agree that we should never have attached Iraq. That we are now less safe than we were before. That Iraq has now been turned into a terrorist breading ground. The exact opposite of what we supposedly set out to prevent. What seems to be forgotten is that Iraq was a sovereign country. Right now it is an occupied country dancing to the puppet masters music. But, step back, if we attached Iraq because the leadership was so horrific and we needed to 'free' the people, are we going to do the same for every other suppressed nation in the world. Free all the oppressed and topple every regime in the world. I think not. We would have to invade over half the nations in the world, by the way that would include our beloved Israel. Here is country that is oppressing thousands, torturing and killing daily, yet we send money, weapons, technology and who knows what else to help them. We speak with forked tongue.

I am not a religious person, so I cannot say that I pray for a change in the White House this year, but may all the powers of rational thought prevail to bring about the change we need, just about anybody else could do a better job that the current bunch.

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