Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Summer came early to Texas this year and with a vengeance. May started fairly mildly and then bang at the end of May and now into June all hell breaks loose. 106 degrees in June! What happened to easing us into the heat. Someone should tell the boys running this show that summer starts around June 20th.

Well we have had some very active weather this year, lots of tornadoes and heavy rain, droughts, you name it. It would appear that things are getting more severe all the time. Maybe that global warming thing is true after all. (Note the sarcasm!).

Hopefully more and more people in the US will notice how ignoring the environment comes back to haunt us later. The current pain unfortunately cannot be directly blamed on George DubYa, but much future pain can and should be. His record on air pollution, helping the oil companies ravage our country and environment and allowing just about any large corporation that wishes to run roughshod over us and our fragile earth is both pathetic and alarming. Lets make sure this poor excuse for man does not get to do this to us again in assigned term. He has to go. One term is too much! Just about any alternative candidate will be better. They surely no one else cause as much damage as he has in his 4 short years.

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