Sunday, January 04, 2004

2004 has started hot and muggy. I hope this is not a bad omen. They say the economy will be a lot better this year. I suspect that will be true for the very rich. The average worker will probably be no better of than in 2003 with work still hard to find and cost of living gradually increasing. Hopefully the economy will not help Bush keep the Presidency. I am not sure we can handle another 4 years of his divisive and destructive policy making. The environment has suffered and will keep suffering for a very long time as a consequence of his approach. Take whatever you want, not what you need, and make as much money while you are at it. Rape the earth for your personal gain. No problem there.

Well I hope we will make the right choices going forward, choosing leaders that care for more than their personal wellbeing and that we can start to turn the tide of destruction back to one of caring and balance with the earth we so desperately depend on.

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